Millionaire Success Habits by Dean Graziosi [Book Summary – Review]

Do those who relish in riches and success merely benefit from good fortune in life? 

No! Success is not a result of luck. Individuals who achieve success do not passively await favorable circumstances; instead, they actively pursue prosperity.

These individuals possess vision, they willingly take risks and immerse themselves in unfamiliar circumstances. While not every endeavor or risk yields positive outcomes, this approach increases the likelihood of overall success in life.

This behavior is what sets successful people apart from the average person, they have a million-dollar mentality.

And the noteworthy aspect? You can adopt this mindset as well, should you choose to do so!

All it takes is adopting the mindset and behaviors of a millionaire. This involves replacing your restrictive principles with empowering beliefs and changing your detrimental habits for successful behaviors.

The purpose of these chapters is to guide you through this transformation. They present a set of straightforward yet potent approaches that you can immediately integrate into your day-to-day practice.

Although the primary focus is on financial success, the practices outlined in these chapters are crafted to move you towards fulfillment in all aspects of your life, extending from your relationships to your well-being. By dedicating time to self-improvement now, you can reach levels of wealth, success, and happiness that may have seemed unattainable.

In this book, you’ll find out

  • the cause why the advice your families and friends give you might be bringing harm to you;
  • discovering insights about success through a Navajo fable.; and
  • the important key factor every successful individual has.

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Chapter 1 – Behave more intentionally and abide by your aims by knowing the real thing that gives you motivation. 

Can you honestly articulate your life goals?

If you can’t, you are not the only person. Many individuals find it difficult to come up with an answer to this question. It might not be difficult for them to say the things they don’t want in life. For example, they might express that they don’t want to be by themself or poor. On the other hand, they become stuck when it comes to stating what they want.

This lack of clarity becomes a hindrance to success. It’s hard to turn aspirations into reality when you haven’t identified them.

Say you are going on a lengthy car journey without a destination; you’d likely find yourself lost and running out of fuel.

Likewise, if you navigate through life without a clear purpose, you’re unlikely to reach any significant destination. This is the reason why taking stock periodically and reiterating your true objectives is crucial.

In essence, you have to know your “why.” This is the force that pushes you – the genuine driving factor. It represents your most profound, unfiltered, and authentic desire.

With that being said, identifying our true purpose is not always immediately apparent and may require a considerable amount of self-analysis to uncover.

Luckily, the author and their team have introduced a method to streamline the journey of self-discovery. This approach is known as “7 Levels Deep.”

Ideally undertaken with a partner, the method entails asking a series of “why” questions, iterated seven times. Each answer given becomes the basis for the subsequent question. For instance, in response to the query, “Why do you aspire to make $100,000 a month?” your reply might be, “Because it will grant me freedom.” The subsequent question would be, “Why is freedom important?” and your response might be, “So I can have more time to spend with my family.” Every round of questions compels you to delve deeper into your motivations.

In a motivational seminar, the author applied this technique to a participant, leading to a remarkable revelation. The person disclosed that he had struggled with drug addiction when his mother did. Ashamed as this was the last impression she had of him, he dedicated the rest of his life to making amends by contributing positively to the world.

Irrespective of your personal “why,” understanding the core driving force behind your actions will refine your vision of your ultimate destination.

Chapter 2 – Conquer the negative obstacles in you that hinder your progress.

The people of Navajo people pass down a fable to their children, it goes thus:

There is an ongoing battle between two wolves within us. One of these wolves is malicious and jealous, perceiving only evil in the universe. The other is characterized by love and compassion, holding the belief that it can achieve anything it sets its mind to.

The ultimate winner in this inner conflict depends on which wolf we choose to nourish.

Much like the malicious wolf in the fable, each of us contends with an internal voice that instills self-doubt and thrives on undermining our self-esteem. This voice diminishes the joy in our lives and hinders us from making progress. 

To become successful, it becomes crucial to silence this voice, and that entails being mindful of the detrimental habits that fuel it.

An illustration of this is seen when we put in time to address our flaws. For example, you may have encountered situations where, in response to a poor grade in calculus, your parents or teachers compelled you to allocate more time to it than to subjects you genuinely enjoyed. This is a prevalent yet detrimental approach. The reason is that focusing on weaknesses often leads to struggling for average results at best, contributing to feelings of inferiority.

Here’s a piece of advice: Forget about your flaws! Pursue what you love! Concentrating on your strengths brings more fulfillment, confidence, and productivity. Keep in mind that mastering a few essential skills is more valuable than being average at numerous.

Another common but detrimental behavior we all do is placing excessive trust in the counsel of unqualified individuals. Those with ambitious dreams often receive discouraging advice, being told they lack the appropriate experience, education, or financial resources to launch a business. Particularly damaging is the advice persuading people to “play it safe.” This kind of dream-stealing advice only steers them toward settling for mediocrity.

Effectively dealing with this terrible advice involves embracing two practices: Firstly, only take advice from individuals who have achieved success in the specific field where you seek guidance. Secondly, always rely on your instincts.

As soon as the negative voices within you are silenced, the extent of your achievements in both personal and professional spheres becomes unimaginable!

Chapter 3 -Incorporate habits that allow the best part of you to stand out.

Fortunately, the adverse forces within you are counteracted by a different force: your inner hero. This represents the best version of yourself – confident, motivated, and enthusiastic about life. Unleashing your inner hero opens the door to endless possibilities.

This chapter explores three great habits for fostering your inner hero.

The first habit involves presenting yourself as a champion.

Picture two men at separate tables in a restaurant. One appears gloomy, exhibits poor posture, and mumbles to the waiter. The other man sits upright, wears a smile, and engages in a friendly manner with the waiter. Who do you think is enjoying life more? Who is excelling in their career? Who might be a loving person? Our intuition leads us to believe that the first person seems disheartened and swamped by the difficulties of life, while the second radiates energy and vitality – essentially embodying a winner.

However, you might not feel like a winner. In that case, you may question the purpose of acting in such a manner.

Certainly, the way you behave serves as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Numerous studies demonstrate that smiling, for instance, can improve your mood, and embracing assertive poses can make one feel stronger Presenting yourself as a winner is beneficial because, even if it begins as an act, it will soon become an integral part of your identity.

Also, this principle extends to how you express yourself verbally. Hence, the second habit for success is consistently using positive language when talking about yourself.

When you utter words such as “I feel upset” or “I feel stressed,” it tends to cage you into these feelings. Rather, endeavor to use positive language and intercept negative words before they escape your lips. Should in case they come out, take a moment to calmly pause and rephrase. For instance, if you initially mentioned that “I feel stressed,” rephrase it as “I’m challenging myself and gaining valuable understanding.”

The third habit for success involves nurturing your social circle. You may not realize it, but you tend to adopt the behaviors and thought processes of those around you – this is something we all do. We pick up the habits and thought patterns of others. For instance, if your goal is physical fitness, establishing friendships with individuals passionate about fitness can be important. The same principle applies to financial success; associating with financially successful individuals can contribute to your success.

Being among optimistic, solution-oriented individuals is the most effective approach to picking up additional success patterns and thought habits.

Chapter 4 – Your self-perception is shaped by what you tell yourself.

Every one of us has a life story—a story that we share with other people and to ourselves, that talks about who we are and why our lives unfolded the way they did.

While these narratives are, to some certain degree, grounded in our actual life experiences. However, it is a two-way thing because the narratives we say to ourselves play a significant role in shaping how we navigate life. For instance, the author wouldn’t have pursued a career as a success coach if he didn’t genuinely believe that his life story was a successful one. Hence, his narrative acts as a powerful force propelling him to greater achievements, while others may find their stories serving as burdens, pulling them down.

It’s important to critically examine the stories we tell ourselves, as they may be hindering our progress. 

Ask yourself: Does my narrative highlight my life’s accomplishments, or does it dwell on setbacks? Am I prone to making excuses for my average life, attributing it to factors like, “I am not wealthy as a result of my terrible childhood or a lack of education?

Such narratives can be toxic since they diminish our self-worth and limit our potential.

Certainly, altering this form of self-evaluation is challenging. In many instances, we’ve saying the same narrative within ourselves for such an extended period—perhaps even decades—that we instinctively perceive it as something true.

However, despite the apparent truth and enduring nature of our life narratives, like many aspects, they are subject to interpretation.

Think about the fact that the author’s attention deficit disorder (ADD) has been a component aspect of his life story since childhood. Over a long period, he perceived his ADD as a limitation that hindered his progress, significantly impacting his self-esteem. However, a transformative encounter with renowned ADD specialist Ned Hallowell changed this narrative entirely. According to Ned, individuals living with ADD are remarkably ambitious and passionate. The perception of ADD as a problem arises from the frustration parents and teachers experience due to the children’s relentless energy. Since this transformative encounter, the author’s ADD has assumed a positive role in his personal story of success.

Feel free to reshape your own story by changing any “poor me” story on its head.

Chapter 5 – Make the most of your time by eliminating tasks that do not contribute to your productivity.

What about the value of hard work? Haven’t we all been taught that hard work is crucial for achieving success?

Certainly, self-made millionaires exhibit an exceptional work ethic. However, if you’re putting in significant effort too, why aren’t you experiencing comparable success? Is it because millionaires simply work harder or longer hours?

The reply to that is a resounding “No.” It’s not about the intensity of their hard work or the sheer number of hours they dedicate. The key lies in how efficiently they utilize their time. The truth is, that millionaires usually work fewer hours than the usual individual, yet their hours are notably more productive.

Consider time as an investment that yields returns. Just as you constantly aim to maximize returns on investments, you should strive to optimize the returns on your time as well.

However, what does that imply?

It signifies that you have to optimize the time allocated to tasks that generate the highest income and reduce involvement in other activities.

Begin by recognizing the activities that yield the most profit for you – whether it’s a creative skill or a business endeavor. Whatever it may be, this represents your financial strength. The goal is to allocate a substantial portion of your time to this aspect, as it is the catalyst for rapid growth in both your life and also income.

Effectively managing your time involves not only engaging in productive tasks but also eliminating unnecessary work. This is why having a “not-to-do” list is just as valuable as having a “to-do” list! A not-to-do list allows you to simplify your life by pinpointing and removing tasks that don’t contribute significant value.

This list can include activities you perform all through the week that you’re not proficient in, don’t find enjoyable, or consume time and energy that could be more beneficial elsewhere. Examples might be spending excessive time browsing the internet or undertaking house chores like lawn mowing.

Subsequently, beside each item on the list, designate either “eliminate,” “replace,” “automate,” “delegate,” or “outsource.” For example, aimless internet browsing could likely be eliminated. Essential tasks such as chores and financial management will still require attention. In these instances, consider leveraging technology or getting professionals to handle the workload.

By removing all the mundane aspects from your life, you’ll have the freedom to concentrate on activities that contribute to your financial success and personal happiness.

Chapter 6 – Overcome your limitations by nurturing your confidence.

What is the crucial element that is common among all successful individuals? The answer to that is more straightforward than one might think – it’s confidence.

Let’s be candid for a minute. Have you ever accomplished anything significant in life when your confidence was low? Most likely not. For instance, if you do not have confidence, approaching someone special for a date or making a decisive career move would likely be out of reach. Confidence, much like a premium whiskey, has the power to diminish inhibitions and self-doubt.

However, confidence isn’t something you can pour into a glass – you either possess it or you don’t, right? The answer is both yes and no. Although you can’t truly purchase confidence, there are steps you can take to build and grow it.

A good approach for improving confidence is to bear in mind the Four Cs namely: Courage, Commitment, Capability, as well as Confidence.

Let’s start with courage. The foundation of renewed confidence lies in acts of courage. Say it is launching a business or starting a family, courage involves a readiness to step out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown.

Next, there’s commitment. Commitment is about possessing the determination to see something through to its completion. Despite the situation– maybe it is a job, a relationship, a creative project, or a dietary plan, – achieving success requires firm commitment.

There is also capability, which relates to the skills we already have and our willingness to acquire new ones through taking reading and courses. Achieving our goals necessitates a readiness to develop specific skills. For example, if you aim to become a proficient chef, you’ll have to acquire certain cooking skills.

By emphasizing the first three Cs that were mentioned, confidence will naturally follow suit. Courage, commitment, and capability contribute significantly to boosting one’s confidence as they serve as the foundation for genuine accomplishments.

For a small improvement in confidence, take a moment to jot down a list of your wins. This should encompass all skills you excel in, each achievement that brings you pride, and all the qualities you admire in yourself. We often swiftly move past our wins and focus more on our shortcomings. This practice serves as a reminder that we’ve attained far more than we often give ourselves accolades for.

Millionaire Success Habits: The Gateway To Wealth & Prosperity by Dean Graziosi Book Review

You can integrate success routines now, to change the direction of your life, and to guide you back on the track toward the envisioned future. These habits empower you to act as a thermostat rather than a thermometer – meaning, they allow you to be in charge of your life rather than being influenced by external situations. Some of these patterns are tailored to help you manage your mental state and boost confidence, some assist in refining your narrative and future objectives, while others prompt you to monitor how you allocate your time. Taking proactive steps to seize control of your life at this moment can pave the way for significant positive transformations in the future.

Finish the 30-day Better Life Challenge.

Acquiring success habits is a promising beginning, yet to truly make them a part of your life, it’s crucial to integrate these habits into your daily routine. This is the moment to cease reading and take proactive steps! An effective initiation is to participate in the 30-day Better Life Challenge available at This engaging program presents daily challenges and exercises intended to gradually transform your mindset over a month. Investing just a few minutes each day will facilitate the seamless reprogramming of your habits, boost your confidence, and set you on the path to the future you want.

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Savaş Ateş

I'm a software engineer. I like reading books and writing summaries. I like to play soccer too :) Good Reads Profile:

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